Your search for 'kundalini' returned 9 results.
THIS EVENT IS CANCELED Join Jai Vedya Kaur for a day of profound practice as we leverage some simple Kundalini Yoga technology to awaken your Kundalini and connect you with the Vajra of Joy the rad... Radiance Detox with Kundalini Yoga and Meditation With Xing Griffith Jai Vedya Kaur Embark on a transformative journey with our Renewal Radiance program a specially curated Kundalini Yoga a... Meditation and Breathwork for Brain Health Learn and keep 20 meditations and breath work from Kundalini Yoga for lifelong practices for brain health with proven effects for focus cognitive im... Meditation and Yoga Series UnblockYour Chakras Zoom or In Person at Unity of Charlottesville Saturdays 11 00am 12 15amJan 21 March 11 8 Sessions 120 with Free Gifts Gift 1 Free One on One... Yoga and Meditation Series Divine Abundance I Zoom or In Person at Unity of Charlottesville Sundays 9 00am 10 15amSept 25 Oct 23 5 Sessions 75 or Drop In 20 eachRecordings Provided By Jai... YOGA and MEDITATION SERIES UNCONDITIONAL JOY LAST CLASS Saturday July 30 11 00am 75 minutes long LOCATION Unity of Charlottesville Fellowship Hall 2825 Hydraulic Circle TEACHER Jai Vedya ... YOGA and MEDITATION SERIES UNCONDITIONAL JOY DATES Five Saturdays June 25 July 9 July 16 July 23 July 30 Note There will not be class during the Independence Day holiday weekend TIME 11 0... Saturday April 23 2022Time 11 00 am 12 30 pm Location Unity of Charlottesville Sanctuary 2825 Hydraulic Circle Teacher Jai Vedya Kaur Xing What to bring Your own yoga mat a blanket s loose cot... Saturday April 23 2022 TIME 11 00 am 12 30 pm TEACHER Jai Vedya Kaur Xing LOCATION Unity of Charlottesville Sanctuary2825 Hydraulic Circle Charlottesville Click here to register online What to...