Chair Meditation and Breathwork for Brain Health
Learn and keep 20+ meditations and breath work from Kundalini Yoga for lifelong practices for brain health, with proven effects for focus, cognitive impairment, long covid brain fog, sleep loss, Alzheimer's, anxiety, and depression (research papers available). A toolkit for brain building that can be practiced in the office, in bed, in car rides, etc.
In-Person Retreat II Saturday 8/26/2023 at 11:00 am- 1:00 pm
In-Person Retreat I Saturday 6/24/2023 at 11:00 am-1:00 pm
Zoom Sessions 8 Thursdays 6/31-8/24/2023 at 8:00 pm
WHERE: Unity of Charlottesville for In-Person Retreat.
-$120 for participating in and/or video compilations of the whole set (3 gifts included)
-$75 for 5 sessions
-Drop in $20 per session
Video recordings are available for all sessions purchased.
WHO: No prior experiences necessary. No need to sit cross-legged. Need to be able to sit upright with arm mobility. Willing to learn.
Teacher Bio: Jai Vedya Kaur (Xing Griffith) is a certified Kundalini yoga teacher (275 hours, 2016 Boston). She achieved kundalini awakening through her practices nine years ago, which enabled her to become a vegetarian naturally, stay focused and energized without the help of coffee or tea, and experience many other energy miracles. She has been leading retreats and classes in the U.S. and China since 2016. Contact: xinggriffith@gmail.