About Us

The Youth Education Program at Unity of Charlottesville lovingly offers a supportive environment for children to experience, explore, and express themselves as spiritual beings.

Youth classes meet weekly during Sunday church service from 10:30am - 11:45am. We also hold occassional special events throughout the year.

Feel free to reach out to our Director of Youth & Family Ministry, Robin Shirley: YFM@unitycharlottesville.org OR (434) 978-1062 ext. 106. 

Join Our Facebook Group! Email The Director!
What do we teach?

Myrtle Fillmore, co-founder of Unity, believed our mission was not to “entertain the children, but instead, to draw them out."

The Living Curriculum is an approach or philosophy which affirms that the curriculum–that which is to be learned or known–lives within the adult, child or teen, themselves. It moves us past the belief that teachers have all the answers and need to impart them to the students. Instead, there is a realization that all of us are uniquely unfolding on our spiritual path, having access to the Spirit within.

The Living Curriculum is a process of spiritual support used to assist children, teens, families, and the church community in co-creating successful living. It honors the inherent wholeness and wisdom within each one of us, and utilizes storytelling and experiential creative expression. The process helps us to explore spiritual principles and to become aware of how the principles operate in our lives.

Five Basic Unity Principles

1. God is all good and active in everything, everywhere.
2. I am naturally good because God’s Divinity is in me and in everyone.
3. I create my experiences by what I choose to think and what I feel and believe.
4. Through affirmative prayer and meditation, I connect with God and bring out the good in my life.
5. I do and give my best by living the Truth that I know. I make a difference!


Books and Texts We Utilize

During the elementary years, we utilize storytelling, games and art to impart basic spirtual lessons. We draw from sacred texts including the Bible, the Vedas and The Tao Te Ching. We also read from classic storybooks as well as lesser known, yet inspiring, storybooks. 


As the children grow into teens, we provide a safe space for spiritual discussion based around books such as Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul, I Of The Storm, and others. We are currently working through The I of the Storm for Teens: Finding Peace in the Midst of Conflict in our Y.O.U. classes. We are using the Teens on the Quest and Children on the Quest series for our UniTeens and UniKids classes. 

A Message from Our Director, Robin Shirley

Welcome to Unity of Charlottesville's Youth and Family Ministry! Please take a look around our website and reach out to us if you have any questions. We hope to see you at a Sunday Service and Youth Class soon.

Meet Our Youth Education Teachers!

From left to right, Patsy Ascension, Robin Shirley, Meredith Dykstra, Genevieve Silverman, Peggy Rooth and Stephen Tavares. Join us Sundays @ 10:30am to meet and get to know us in person!

Sunday Classes

Youth classes take place every Sunday during service. We meet in the back of the sanctuary after the welcome song and head to our respective classrooms. If it is your first time joining us, please arrive early to register your child in the lobby.


Infants and UniTots: If you plan to bring an infant or toddler to our Sunday nursery room, we ask that you email us ~48 hours in advance, by Friday afternoon. YFM@unitycharlottesville.org


UniKids: Elementary children meet in the downstairs classrooms for art, stories, discussion and games aligned with Unity's Living Curriculum. UniTots: Infants through kindergarten. UniKids: Ages 1st through 4th grade


UniTeens: Uniteens are middle school age truth students in grades 5-8 or ages 10-14 who come together in their home churches and at Regional Spiritual Retreats to learn and practice Unity Principles and share fellowship in a safe, spiritually based environment. Adult Uniteen Leaders guide and support Uniteens in their Spiritual Growth.


Y.O.U.: The Youth of Unity (YOU) is an international youth group for teens ages 14-18 (grades 9-12). The purpose of YOU is to encourage and assist in the spiritual growth of all young people who are seeking to express the indwelling Christ in accordance with the principles of practical Christianity as taught and interpreted by Unity Worldwide Ministries. YOU provides youth the opportunity to explore Unity's principles and other truth teachings and to demonstrate these in their daily lives.


If you are new and plan to attend a Sunday service, please feel free to be in contact with the Director of Youth & Family Ministry, Robin Shirley, at YFM@unitycharlottesville.org. We are happy to answer any questions and orient you to our programs.

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Connect with Us

We've created a private Unity of Charlottesville (UOC) Youth Ed community hub on Facebook where families and teachers can share life updates, resources, support and be supported. Feel free to join and connect with other UOC families!

Here's the link: JOIN GROUP

For more information, contact Robin Shirley, Director, Youth & Family Ministry: yfm@unitycharlottesville.org