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Women Rising Workshop

Sunday May 19th , 1-3 pm

“The World Will be saved by western Women”— Dali Lama

That’s Us!

Why us? Because we have many more freedoms than many of our sisters around the globe. This workshop explores three facets of us: one health tip; where we are women now; and what women centered coaching is all about.

First: We need our health! Find out why we, as a society, keep gaining weight. It is not what you think it is!

Second: We will explore what holds women back: social media and marketing images; social and cultural
constructs; etc.

Third: We will explore what women centered coaching is all about: a safe container to ask yourself the more
you may be desiring at your deepest level; is being fully self-actualized an intention?

Come and Explore! All are welcome.

Suggested love offering $25.00



Rev Marge Brown continues to grow her evolving passions to help humanity. She holds a
Bachelor of Science degree in Nutrition. Health and Nutrition is a 40-year passion of hers.
Her MBA has helped the three Unity churches she served as senior minister grow their income
and expand their consciousness.

As a bringer of peace, Rev Marge is now coaching people to rise in the feminine aspects of
themselves. Rev Marge has been involved in Dr Claire Zammit’s body of work since 2018 whose
philosophy is as the feminine rises in influence, we will be living in a more peace-filled world
because the feminine is more attuned to people’s pain and suffering.

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