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March 30 - August 31
(Subject to Change)

Sunday, March 30 with Rev. Marge Brown MBA, RDN
             Wilderness Guidance & Trust
             Workshop 1-2:30pm
             Spring into a Lighter, Healthier you! Sliding Scale

Sunday, April 6 with Rev. Marge Brown
             Conscious Evolution

Tuesday, April 8 with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
             Transforming Life and Health Through Nature,
            Movement, Breath and Meditation
            FREE PUBLIC TALK   6:00pm – 7:30pm

Thursday, April 10—Finding Yourself in Transition with
             Rev. Catherine Klein—New 6-Week Class
             Begins on Zoom

Sunday, April 13 with Rev. Catherine Klein
             Palm Sunday: The Courage to Forgive

Sunday, April 20 with Rev. Catherine Klein
             Easter Sunday:Morning is Broken

Sunday, April 27 with Rev. Cheryl Fare
             Practicing the Presence

Saturday, May 3—World Labyrinth Day with Mary Ann
             Wamhoff—1pm on Unity’s Shalom Labyrinth

Saturday, May 3—Ann Hills in Concert at 7:00pm

Sunday, May 4 with Terry Atwater
Why the Force is Always with You: The Power of
             Afirmative Thinking—
Musical Guest Anne Hills

Sunday, May 11 with Rev. Marge Brown
             Mothering: Square Pegs, Round Holes,
             and Everything in Between

Sunday, May 18 with Susan Bauer-Wu
             A Future We Can Love—Workshop from 1-3pm
             A Future We Can Love: Going Deeper, Finding Our
- Love Offering

Sunday, May 25 with Rev. Catherine Klein
             Bring Your Whole Self

Sunday, June 1 with Rev. Marge Brown
             Faith and Hell in the Hallway

Sunday, June 8 with Rev. Alva Pope
             Strength to Strenth: May the Force be With You!

Sunday, June 15 with Rev. Marge Brown
          Love, Understanding, and Acceptance

Sunday, June 22 with Rev. Cheryl Fare
        The Power of Compassion
        Workshop: Unleash Your Healing Potential
        1-3pm—Love Offering

Sunday, June 29 with Rev. Catherine Klein
        The Healing Power of Appreciation

Sunday, July 6 with Rev. Marge Brown
       Creating Everyday!

Sunday, July 13 with Rev. Paula Mekdeci
        Watch Yourself!

Sunday, July 20 with Rev. Richard Mekdeci
         The Gift of Temptation: The Second Donut

Sunday, July 27 with Rev. Catherine Klein
             Unconditional Friendliness

Sunday, August 3 with Rev. Marge Brown
             You and the Holy Spirit

Sunday, August 10 with Rev. Marge Brown
             Prayer Persistence

Sunday, August 17 with Rev. Cherie Ruffo
            God Eternal Within

Sunday, August 24 with Kelsey Johnson, Ph.D
            The Quest to Understand Our Place in the Cosmos

Sunday, August 31 with Rev. Catherine Klein
           Building Bridges Through Prayer


Rev. Marge Brown

Passionate about Truth and our Unity teachings, Rev. Marge Brown has served three Unity churches as senior Minister and served as a hospice chaplain for three years. As a healer and Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist for 40 years she has moved into coaching with The Institute of Women-Centered Coaching. Her coaching practice helps women uncover and release the inner barriers which hold them back from rising to their fullest potential. She has a 501(C)3 healing ministry with Unity Worldwide Ministries and has received the Best Alternative Medicine Practitioner Award for Lynchburg for 2023 and 2024.

Rev. Catherine Klein

Prior to becoming a Unity minister, Rev. Catherine Klein worked in the area of conflict resolution. She then founded her own consulting firm serving small businesses in the areas of leadership development, communications, and employee relations. After Unity ordination in 2000, Catherine served in Unity churches in Tusla, OK, Greensboro, NC, and Atlantic Beach, NC. She continues to offer Sunday messages and classes both virtually and as a guest speaker.

Rev. Cheryl Fare

Rev. Cheryl Fare is an ordained Unity Minister and Certified Enneagram Coach, with a Master of Fine Arts in Theatre, a BA in Theatre, and a BA in Sociology. Cheryl serves as the Minister for Unity of Fredericksburg, and has a passion for Unity Principles, openly sharing how using practical Truth teachings have guided her through several exceptional life challenges. Cheryl enjoyed a 35-year career in performing arts as an actor, stage manager, producer, playwright, and singer-songwriter.  Cheryl shifted her focus from performing arts to Unity in 2017, became a Licensed Unity Teacher with a special focus in social media, and continues to support clients as a communications specialist.

 Terry Atwater

Terry Atwater is a Regional Account Manager for the American Red Cross Mid-Atlantic Region. His experience in blood services spans over 22 years. A graduate of Hampton University in Hampton, Virginia, Terry’s prior career was in radio and television broadcasting, marketing and media relations. He is a certified Mediation Specialist and currently President of the Foundation for the Study and Application of A Course in Miracles. In addition to his unwavering commitment to the American Red Cross and its mission of saving lives, Terry has an active interest in health and fitness and the Martial Arts. He is also an active member of Unity of Charlottesville. He and his wife reside in Charlottesville and have been happily married for over forty years.

 Susan Bauer-Wu, PhD, RN

SUSAN BAUER-WU, PhD, RN is a contemplative scientist, clinician, and non-profit and health care leader. She is the author of A Future We Can Love: How We Can Reverse the Climate Crisis through the Power of our Hearts and Minds and the former President of the Mind & Life Institute, a non-profit co-founded by the Dalai Lama to bridge science and contemplative wisdom. Prior to Mind & Life, Susan was the Kluge Professor of Contemplative End-of-Life Care and Director of the Compassionate Care Initiative at the University of Virginia, with faculty appointments in Nursing and Religious Studies. She was an early researcher and teacher of mindfulness, and is an avid gardener and hiker who is nourished by trees and animals and awed by our reciprocal connection with nature. Susan is also the author of Leaves Falling Gently: Living Fully with Serious Illness through Mindfulness, Compassion, and Connectedness (new release, May 2025).

 Rev. Alva Pope

Rev. Alva Pope is a master communicator, writer and therapist who is affectionately called “The Grief-ologist” by those who are familiar with her work. Her passion for life has allowed her to work as a professional social worker and ordained Pastor in a non-denominational Christian church. Alva is an established clinician and  provides outpatient therapy, psychosocial education, healing sessions and professional development as a part of her practice. The mission of her work is to help those who wish to help themselves.  Alva believes that “one good conversation can change your life” and uses her gifts of quality time and compassion to engage you in life altering pursuits.Alva is always engaged in a book study whether on a solo mission or engaged in conversation with others.  She is newly married, a mother of two and welcomes her bonus children (2) into her home. She is a native of Richmond and received all her formal education in Virginia. Alva’s newest pursuits are podcasting and her cricut maker cutting machine.

Rev. Paula Mekdeci, MDiv

Rev. Paula Mekdeci, MDiv, is an ordained Unity minister who served as senior minister at Unity Renaissance Spiritual Life Center in Chesapeake, Virginia, from 2013-2023. Prior to pursuing ministry, she enjoyed a successful career in corporate communications, culminating in her position as Vice President of Communications and Publishing at Unity World Headquarters at Unity Village from 2007-2013. In that role, she oversaw Daily Word, Unity Magazine, Unity Books, Unity Online Radio and Unity marketing and communications. Although Paula retired from church ministry in January, 2023, she remains passionate about the evolution of spirituality, including greater appreciation for the Divine feminine. Her highest desire is to be of service and to create greater peace and unity in the world.

Rev. Richard Mekdeci

Rev. Richard Mekdeci is a singer, award-winning songwriter, musician, speaker, teacher, author, church music consultant, and ordained Unity minister. As President and co-founder of emPower Music & Arts  Richard helped to build and support an international hub for music that unites people—music that empowers and heals and music that emphasizes our similarities as members of one human race sharing one planet. Richard was the former music director of Unity Renaissance in Chesapeake, VA and also gave Sunday lessons there.

 Rev. Cherie Ruffo

Rev. Cherie Ruffo is an ordained Unity minister, author and entrepreneur. She has been involved with the Unity movement for 38 years and co-founded Unity Radiant Light in 2009, in Providence RI, where she is currently the Senior Minister. Rev. Cherie is also an entrepreneur and the author of the “Source Crystals” series, a middle-grade fantasy series based on the 12 Powers. She is very involved in the Unity Worldwide Ministries Eastern Region and is currently serving as the President of the Board. She currently lives in Norwich, CT, with her husband, Daniel, and their three crazy dogs.

Kelsey Johnson, PhD

Kelsey Johnson is a professor of Astronomy at the University of Virginia, Affiliate Faculty in the Dept. of Religious Studies, Interim Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education, past president of the American Astronomical Society, and founding director of the award-winning Dark Skies Bright Kids program. She has won numerous awards for her research, teaching, and promotion of science literacy. Her TED talk on the importance of dark skies has more than 2 million views, and her writing has appeared in nationwide publications, including the New York Times, Scientific American, and Washington Post. Johnson's curiosity about the cosmos—and everything in it—has been the primary driver of her career, leading her to devote her life to learning, exploration, and teaching. Her latest book, Into the Unknown: the Quest to Understand the Mysteries of the Cosmos, was one of Publisher’s Weekly top 20 nonfiction books of 2024, and her children’s book, Constellations for Kids, is consistently in the top 10 children’s astronomy books. Kelsey earned her BA in physics from Carleton College, and her MS and PhD in astrophysics from the University of Colorado. Her research spans galaxy evolution, with a focus on ancient star formation in the universe.

 Mary Ann Wamhoff

Mary Ann Wamhoff trained with Lauren Artress in Chartres and became a Veriditas Advanced Accredited Labyrinth Facilitator. She has walked labyrinths since at least 1995, has studied with Caroline Myss, Andrew Harvey, Mirabai Starr, and Matt Fox among others, and is a Reiki Master. She regularly facilitated public walks sponsored by the Labyrinth Resource Group of Santa Fe, and spearheaded and helped build a 48-foot Chartres-style labyrinth. She is presently introducing her new Virginian community to the joys of labyrinth walking! As a Veriditas Council member, she supports facilitators in listening to what people need and is excited about being part of the Veriditas Inclusion Initiative. Coming from a tradition that believes in the unseen, she has both felt and seen the labyrinth's amazing power! 


Unity of Charlottesville

(434) 978-1062