The annual 64-day Season for Nonviolence was launched at the United Nations in 1998. Since then, peacemakers from over 67 countries have participated in this educational and grassroots campaign. It was co-founded by Gandhi’s grandson, Arun, and the Association for Global New Thought (AGNT). The season spans these two memorial anniversaries: Mahatma Gandhi (January 30th) and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (April 4th). Peace begins within and radiates outwardly to create a more just and compassionate world. Centered in the Spirit that unites us all, imagine what we can create together! “May there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me.”
The following 64-day daily reflection/actions are provided courtesy of Susie Leonard Weller, M.A.
Focus for Day 1, January 30: I AM COURAGEOUS
“Be the change you wish to see in the world.”
Mahatma Gandhi Reflection Questions:
The word “courage” means full of heart and spirit. When I take a deep breath and relax my body, I tap into an inner courage. My heart opens to trust an inner wisdom and to release my fears.Gestalt psychotherapist Fritz Perls explained: “Fear is excitement without the breath.” Breathing deeply transforms fear and unleashes new possibilities. I choose courage to guide my response, rather than anxiety.
❖ What encourages me to trust that I am capable enough to courageously act upon what I know?
❖ How will I overcome any doubts or fears?
❖ What strengthens me to act--full of heart and spirit--within the world?
Action Step:
I breathe deeply to transform fear into excitement. I will act more courageously, especially