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Our culture offers little help for coping with the enormous personal, social, political, and economic changes that are constantly occurring around us and in our own lives. Robert Brumet’s wise and gentle book is the perfect guide at the perfect time for each of us individually and for Unity of Charlottesville. This moment of profound change offers all who love UOC a breakthrough into a whole new understanding and experience of beloved community.

Finding Yourself in Transition is a study of Robert Brumet’s powerful book on the spiritual gifts available to those who are able to navigate life changes with awareness.  In this class, participants will come to understand the teaching mentally, emotionally, and metaphysically.  Even more importantly, we will see its practical application..  Through discussion, journalling, exercises, storytelling, and meditation, we will seek to integrate the lessons so thoroughly that they transform the way we see and respond to challenging changes in ourselves, other people, and the world around us.

Before coming to the first class, participants should read, and prepare their comments and questions on, the Forward, Preface, and Prologue.  In addition, it would enrich the first discussion if they were ready to respond to the question:  what brings you to this class at this time?  They should have a notebook and pen available during each class.  Each week, participants will be offered an optional assignment for further enrichment. 

Suggested Love Offering is $75 with 30% going to UOC.  (No one will be turned away for lack of ability to pay.)   The class is limited to 20 participants.   

The Unity Bookstore will carry copies of the book. Contact Karolyn, the Office Manager, if you intend to purchase through our bookstore.

For more information contact Rev. Catherine, at or 336-508-7223.


Thursdays, April 10 through May 15,
6:30 – 8:30 PM on Zoom

With Rev. Catherine Klein

